Thursday, January 5, 2012

.First Blog Post & 2012 Outlook.

hello world.
Happy New Year and welcome to my blog.
I woke up this morning inspired by the New Year...and oddly enough, by Pinterest. My goals for 2012 are to get healthy, stay positive, move forward in life and to stay motivated. I am looking forward to what 2012 has to offer and I hope that you all will follow me on my journey...

In this blog I will be doing product reviews, fitness updates, music picks of the moment, travel updates, deals and more!  Look for 2011 recap photos coming soon.

If you want to stay up-to-date with what's going on in my life follow meeeeeee: 

Twitter: @tashaa0227
Instagram: @tasha0227
youTube channel coming soooon =)

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