Thursday, January 19, 2012

.Blog #3 -

alohas world.

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This past Saturday (Jan 14th) was super awesome... I got to see my best friend Mrs. Chelsea Smith (@Mayochelsea). We went up to the "hills" a.k.a. Colfax where she is from to surprise her mom and celebrate her birthday. We hung out with the fam, rode the quad around the "mountains", watched the niner game, and watched Adele's Live in concert DVD....WOW. 
Which brings me to....

Music of the Moment:
I have always been an Adele fan, but after seeing (part of) that DVD. I love her even more. Her talent is so raw and pure, she has SO much soul and the lyrics to her music are so deep. If you don't have it already, you should definitely  buy her album, it is well worth the money. Hopefully I will be doing open mics and recording covers of her songs and other artists soon. When I do, you can find those on my YouTube channel (tasha0227). Those of you that are friends on my fb may have already seen this video, but if you haven't check out this piece created by Keoni Madrid & Mariel Martin its CRAZYYY amazing...

Fitness Update:
I have been TRYING...I repeat...TRYING to get on a consistent schedule where I can workout at the same time everyday in the early morning, with enough time to get ready afterwards and continue on with the rest of my day, before work and soon school. I admit that I skipped a couple of days, simply because P90X workouts are usually at LEAST an hour long. Because I haven't been working out as much as I'd want to, I am really trying to eat as healthy as I can. I find that it is really difficult to try and eat healthy in a house where that's not really a priority. Below are some personal favorites of mine =)

(Top right) Plutos salad. (Bottom right) From my restaurant-green salad with grilled chicken/avocado & side of fresh salmon sashimi. (Top left) Chocolate protein shake. (Middle left) Chipotle Chicken Burrito Bowl {myFav!} (Bottom left) another favorite...Honey flavored Greek Yogurt with granola and a little honey mixed in. 

Pinterest Favorites:
If you don't know what Pinterest is, check my previous blog post. From now on, I'll be posting 2 photos from Pinterest everyday or every other day. #1 - Funniest/cutest Photo of the day & #2 Most  Inspirational photo of the day

Funniest/cutest photo of the day--

Most Inspirational Photo of the day--

Current 2012 Event Countdowns:
Hawaii for my Godsons FirstBirthday


40days. (feb.27)

Big Island Trip

Subscribe to this Blog &&&&FOLLOW ME:
twitter: @tashaa0227
instagram: @tasha0227
subscribe to my YouTube:  tasha0227 
I'll be posting my first video on my channel sometime this week =) So I can start doing reviews & vlogging my upcoming trips.

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